Saturday, 28 January 2017

New rims

have arrived so I've started taking the wheels apart. Popped in to see Tony at Everndens who has helpfully agreed to true up the wheels once I've stripped and replaced everything. Only managed to snap one spoke of the front wheel so far.

I think I damaged the thread on the bearing retaining thread - it must have fallen over so that needs recutting.

Might try and get the engine going tomorrow.

Thursday, 26 January 2017

Dating cert....

ificate received in post from EAMC- bike is 1957 so I can start the registration process.

One thing, turns out bike is a 1010 and not a 660. But I don't care and ain't redoing the blog 😂.

New wheel rims and seat cover arrived today so need to get on with getting stuff chromed.

Friday, 20 January 2017

Been busy

working on the bike for most of the last week, just getting as much of the frame cleaned, primed, sanded and painted ready for tonight so I could start reassembly.

Much of frame is now back together but have the horrible jobs to do - the handlebars and cog/crank arms will need re-chroming - not a problem, but it'll add a week to the rebuild. I'll be putting new bearings in the headstock and the wheels will need the rims re-chroming though as I'm hoping LBS (Everndens in Paddock Wood) may be able to supply some new rims and maybe able to sort me out a shiny new chain.

I was having a look at the engine tonight as I want to clean out the tank (plus repaint) and replace the fuel pump/fuel filter (there looked to be a nest of sorts with airfilter housing which I've cleaned out).

Hopefully some pics tomorrow.

Monday, 16 January 2017

Next post. Doh!!

Okay, didn't get much more done on the bike today other than finishing pulling the frame apart and blasting that ready for paint. Also in remarkably good condition, though the handlebars have definitely seen better days and will require rechroming.

Anyway, I won't say anymore, just post the rest of the pics I took over the last couple of days.


Sunday, 15 January 2017

The first post!

Ok, thanks go to a friend Phil Woodward who runs Woodwards of Sussex (body restoration/prep/paint business ) for getting me interested in these crazy Gallic creations.

Now, in the past, I've been quite a keen motorcyclist having a varied selection over the years but this definitely takes the biscuit for novelty value.

I was watching one on ebay but was outbid so go in touch with seller who had a few more available and we struck a deal on this one.

Now, as you can see, it's not in the greatest condition....

But, it is mostly complete which should make the resto a bit easier.

So the first thing to do with a restoration I guess would be to take it apart as much as possible

The only trouble seems to be knowing when to stop .....

Don't worry, there's a load more where that came from..

Then it was time to do a bit of shotblasting

Which revealed that the metalwork is actually in very good condition indeedy. The only major problems are the piece in the top right of the pic had cracked sometime ago and been repaired badly and the rear of the front mudguard has a split which will need welding.

However, see that rear mudguard a few pics up, how about this for a restored item :D

That'll do for the first post, but I have more to tell....